Friday, 25 November 2016



Fear of the dark for some is an in depth emotion that stems from early childhood.  Some grow out of the fear, for others it remains well into adulthood. That fear is very real and can take hold of an individual letting their imaginations run wild; that monster under the bed or in a closet grows as their fear of the dark kicks in.

The National Grid and other funded research facilities have been stating for years that the Country would be faced with Electric shortfall, possible Blackouts and basically more powercuts that you could shake a stick at; However now they are saying Everything will be OK, the shortfalls will be covered because their Backup Power is coming now from alternative sources!

So, Why are there so many people tweeting that they have no power today, that school, work and events are cancelled due to unscheduled Powercuts?  How many have put a notice in their shop window saying this?

Mainstream news reports on Powercuts usually appear a few days later, by which point most people have already moved on from their brief encounter with the Darkness... (There's that Hypernormalization again!!) only a few ever decide that they are at the mercy of the Grid and want to do something about it; thereby allowing the light and spark to win over the Darkness and boot out fear.

I suppose, because I look daily and read peoples anger, despair and fear over having no power, no lights, nothing; I see what others dont; which can be awfully frustrating at times because they are asleep in their own darkness and Im frantically trying to create a spark to enlighten them.

More and more people have started prepping for disasters or financial collapse.  The prepping scene has come along way since Doomsday Preppers was first aired as a "Television Programme" whilst millions laughed; many had their spark ignited and thought it was time to take action and due to the others laughter, they prep covertly to avoid peer pressure and ridicule. Who though will be the ones laughing if the SHTF?

My words, my blog, my thoughts are but whispers within this darkness.  Whispers that fall on deaf ears as today is Black Friday and those still asleep are fighting for the bargain of the century ..... Watch those people because this form of behavior is just a yearly test run on what will happen when the last loaf of bread is on the shelf or the last bottle of water.  

I usually tell people to Invest in some form of Backup Power with the option to Buy Here  A Full Backup Power System for your Home is an Investment and as time progresses it will prove to be a selling point to your house; just like solar panels are today.  

However if you dont want to, or cant afford a Full system there are other options which are more affordable eg Portable Generators which can be stored in the attic, garage and can serve you well on breaks and holidays, but there in case of an emergency. Torches, Lamps, Camping Stoves are always a good investment and this time of year usually on sale - Hey maybe you can pick up a Black Friday Bargain at your local Camping Store .... some how I dont see people raging and fighting over tents and sleeping bags, but I will join the madness for your benefits in order to ignite your spark.

Check the website 

Blades Power Generation is a Specialist Manufacturer of Power Generation Equipment suitable for Residential and Industry usage.

#AllYourSwitchGearNeeds and #AllYourGeneratorNeeds

Blades Power Generation can supply Bespoke or Standard Panels 

ATS - Automatic Transfer Switches
Critical Mains ATS
Manual Transfer Switches
BMS - Building Management Panels
Generator Control Panels
Generator Connection Panels
Isolator Enclosures
Inverter Changeover Panels
Surge Protection Units

+44 (0)1453 799655



Wednesday, 23 November 2016



Specialist Manufacturers of Power Generation Equipment.  
Automatic, Manual and Bespoke Panels built to your requirements.

Deep Sea Automatic Mains Failure 7220 Generator Control Panel

The AMF Generator Control Panel is used where the mains supply is backed up by a rated sized Generating set.  The AMF Panel monitors the mains supply and if this should fail or fall outside the preset limits (This can be configured via a laptop).  The AMF Panel will control the pre-heating, Fuel Solenoid and starting of the generator.

The AMF Panel will the Control the switching of the load from the Mains supply to the generator, whilst the generator is running the AMF Panel will monitor vital Engine and Alternator parameters safely stopping the generator should a fault condition occur.


Oil Pressure
Over / Under Voltage
Over / Under Speed


Low Coolant Level Shutdown
Low Fuel Level Shutdown
Audible Alarm Indication (Siren)
Visual Alarm Indication (Beacon)

On return of the local supply the AMF Panel will monitor the Supply to ensure it is stable, then transfer the Load from the Generator back to the Mains supply.

The AMF Panel will run the generator on for a pre-determined time to allow for any cool down periods required for the Generating Set.

Once this time has elapsed the AMF Panel will control the Stopping of the Generator.

The Engine Control Panel module requires a DCc supply to function.  This can be fed from the generator starting battery - alternative Dc power supplies available.


Dont Panic and Keep Calm if all this information is difficult to grasp.  We have friendly experts on the end of a phone for you to talk with whilst you carry on drinking your tea.

Telephone  +44 (0)1453 799655


so YOU are not left in the dark!

Monday, 7 November 2016

***** 10% Discount ***** 

For any Stroud District Resident who purchases A Complete Backup Power System for their Home!


Check out the Website

Telephone - 01453


Have you ever heard of such a thing called "HyperNormalization" ?

Our World is Strange and Often Very Fake and Corrupt.  We all think and believe that it is "Normal" because we can not see anything else.

We sit watching Television Programs; unaware of the desensitization material our brains are being made to focus upon.  Cyberspace is no different, channeling our requirements to sites which make you happy; creating your safe bubble world; when the reality of world in numbed down and no longer gives you a shock feeling.

The same goes for the News; people are more interested in fake news about actors and actresses than Nations and civilians being bombed.  People miss or dismiss actual facts as unimportant, relying on someone else to fix the problems taking place. People think they know what is happening, but the reality is much different; Matrix springs to mind.

Many people dont read informative factual news, because it comes across as boring, or the terminology is over their heads.  Sadly many informative article are therefore bypassed and when bad things happen, are totally in an uproar because their force fed perception is flawed.

Did you know that articles have been published for everyone to see and read since 2008, telling you that we have a Power problem looming in our future?
Guess what - That looming future is NOW and so many people are not ready. 

Whilst Hypernormalization has taken a strong grip within our homes through the television, it has also made us reliant on the power we have at the flick of a switch.  Powercuts are on the increase across the UK; this is a fact that has been put out there since 2008!

So, just to prove a point, here is a list of only a FEW articles out there 

May 2008     Blackout Britain 
Sept 2008    Blackout Britain Warning
Nov 2008     UK experts give Blackout Warning
Jan 2009      Third World rolling Blackouts warning as Gov admits shortage
Feb 2010      Blackout Britain.  Britain faces a wave of 1970's style Blackouts
July 2011     Power Outage Warning
July 2012     Warnings of Rolling Blackouts
Oct 2012      Rolling Blackout Warnings
June 2013    Risk of Blackouts has Tripled in a Year
June 2013     Growing risks of Blackouts within 18 months
Oct 2013      UK faces increased risk of Blackouts
June 2011    Britain at risk of Energy Blackouts for next 2 years
Aug 2014     Winter of 2015/16 Forecasts to have highest risks of Blackouts
Nov 2014     Wales warned of 70's style Blackouts
Dec 2014     Britain Unprepared for Severe Blackouts Secret Gov reports reveals
June 2015    Electricity Blackouts risk up says National Grid
Sept 2015    UK Power supply unlikely to meet demand next Winter 
Oct 2015     Britain Blackout warnings do not reflect reality
Oct 2015     Blackout risk as UK energy crisis deepens
Feb 2016     UK Blackout Risk - Amber Warning
Feb 2016     Britain heading for Powercuts next Winter says 60 Local Authorities
April 2016   Power outages see Jump in UK
June 2016    Britain told to Brace itself for Power Shortages
July 2016    UK Plans for Power Shortages over Winter 2017-18
Oct 2016     End of British Summer time triggers National Grid Warning System

Many people will say its scaremongering.... That is Hypernormalization 
Many people will say your'e just trying to make money from scare tactics!!  This isn't so, I am not saying you have to buy from Blades Power; I'm saying BUY Backup Power suitable for your requirements.

Sorry to say, but we are living in the times that we have been warned about and if you haven't had a Powercut recently then Good for you, you are a lucky one...but what happens when your luck runs out? What will happen if the power goes off for a day, or a week or for good!

NOW is the time to INVEST in your Future!
A time to INVEST is an alternative form of Insurance!
NOW is the time to get BACKUP POWER!

My job is to get the information out there to people.  If you buy from us that is an obvious Bonus.  Its all about being prepared for what ever eventuality is thrown at you.

Here at Blades Power Generation, we manufacturer Specialized Switchgear Equipment for Residential, Business, Industrial and Emergency usage.

We have an extensive product range suitable for most customers.  But for those wanting something a little different, we are here to take the challenge.

Blades Power Generation can Incorporate solar, wind or water with our Bespoke Generation Equipment, so that you can utilize the Free Power Potential of Nature and your environment.  

Check out the website:

View the extensive range of Automatic Transfer Switches, Manual Transfer Switches, Engine Control Panels, Inverter Changeover Panels, Breaker Boxes etc.  And whilst your there, check out the Generators; starting from portable through to Industrial usage.

We even offer a 10% discount to All Stroud District Residents who purchase a COMPLETE Backup Power System from Blades Power.

Blades Power Generation
#AllYourSwitchgearNeeds AND #AllYourGeneratorNeeds


Tuesday, 11 October 2016








Have you ever been sat engrossed in the television and then the power goes off?  Excitement grips you and then deflation as you realise that you've had a powercut.......... 

I have and whilst it was all fun and exciting for a while, that feeling soon wore off when I found the radiators getting cold, I couldn't make a cuppa so we left the house in search of fast food and nasty cups of tea!  

The drive home was conversations of whether the electric would be up and running and if it was going to be possible to wake up in the morning without being able to set the alarm clock.

My parents were of the war baby era, they were the make do and mend generation.  I grew up in the 70's where powercuts were the norm for some.  I loved them as my Dad would put a metal bowl in my window with a candle shimmering and dancing, mesmerizing to the point of moving my pillow to the bottom of the bed to be able to watch it more closely.

My parents didn't worry about not waking in the morning as back then alarm clocks were windup and I remember them laughing and joking downstairs as I cuddled into my extra blanket before nodding off to Zzzz land!

Now I dont worry about Powercuts, or Grid Failure because that moment the power goes off and the excitement kicks in I know that the lights will come back on in a few seconds.  I now get extended excitement waiting for my Transfer Panel to resister the mains break and to turn on my Generator which subsequently gives me power again.

Now this may sound slightly sadistic, but Yes I do go straight to the kettle and fill it up and switch it on; why? Because I can! And there is some satisfaction knowing I can do that whilst other people cant.... its like Buzzing Ive got a Backup Power System that is awesome.




I admit, being married to possibly the best Generator and Switchgear expert out there does have benefits as my Backup Power System, portable generator and Transfer Switches are testament too.

Covered for any Emergency!

You too can be Buzzing if you INVEST in a backup system that is suitable for your family needs. 

Why don't you check out Blades Power Generation of Facebook or Twitter!

Or, just click the link and browse - BUY at Blades Power Generation

Should you wish to discuss matters further, don't hesitate to contact to discuss further, you might get me on the phone or the Expertise of the hubby

Winter is Coming! Are You Prepared?

Winter is Coming!  Are You Prepared?

Living in a Rural Location has its good points; nice quiet countryside to roam about in and lots of fresh air.  But the downside can be unexpected Powercuts and bad weather which lingers longer.

Whether you live in a Hamlet, Village, Town or City everyone is susceptible to loss of Power; be it by the weather conditions, the aftermath off or a Grid issue.  
Everyone needs the security of having some form of Backup Power, it just depends of your needs and requirements.  There are many forms of Backup Power to choose from; but the common aspect is the Switchgear that can help you transfer that harvested power and help transfer it to usable power.

Blades Power Generation Your Local Switchgear and Transfer Switch Specialists.  Having experience helping customers power their Homes using 
wind, solar, generators, batteries and water by installing a suitable Transfer Panel to your property.

There is now No Better Time to INVEST in a Backup System or a small standby Generator in case of an Emergency.  

#DontBeLeftInTheDark WE COVER #AllYourGeneratorNeeds

Follow the links and Check out Blades Power Generation


Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Have you heard - Its time to stockpile Food and Water

Stockpile Food and Water


You have probably heard that Germany and the Czech Republic citizens have been told to start Prepping and stockpile Food and Water by their Governments. Now the grapevine has whispers that Finland have been told to Prep!  Makes you wonder what lies around the corner especially if you look at Venezuela and other countries where citizen have been hunting down domestic pets and zoo animals to feed themselves.

Its easy to sit back with your full belly and watch the news in the evening; where you see scenes of devastation, starvation, torture and death and think "Im glad I live where I do" or worse, you think nothing due to desensitization because these scenes are so commonly thrust in your face through the media.

Being told to prepare is not uncommon.  Gordon Brown told the UK to start stockpiling Food and Water only last year - Thousands of people rushed to make comments on Facebook and Twitter providing  their analysis on the comment made; however thousands of people still to this day do not have any form of food reserve in their cupboards and are blind to the fact that we are only 72 hours from anarchy - 72 hours which collate to 9 meals! 


What are you going to do when like old Mother Hubbard you go to the cupboard and its bare; baron of anything edible.  Many will start riots or will join in numbers to prey on those that were wise enough to prep.....well those who are not trying to run off with a big TV and Toaster!  

If the Power goes off, those with their new TV's and Toasters will soon join the others in search of anything including a nobby of bread - wishing they could have toast and failing to see the irony of their situation!  

With so Many rumors of WW111 flying about, maybe its just a sensible idea to start filling your cupboards and storing water.

Thats why I can say INVEST in some form of Backup Power.  There are many forms from Wind, Solar, Water, Batteries and Generators, it just depends which one is best suited to you.

Spread the word and advise people to INVEST in Power for their Future!

Call Blades Power Generation on +44 (0)14536 799655

Or SHOP NOW on our Face Book Page

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Earn Discounts for 10 minutes work!
We all know how important a Product Review can be when choosing a new item, but bothering to write one after purchasing can be a hassle.
So; We will give any ONGOING customer that submits 2 reviews with a given month a discount on their next purchase.
Your review should be of useful content to a prospective customer
It should be no less than 20 words long and can not be negative or derogative in any way eg "This is Rubbish" or "Awesome Product"
Please clearly state the product you are reviewing whether a Manual or Automatic Transfer Switch for example.

Please email 
with your 2 reviews on products we are actively selling and we will apply a discount credit to your account.
Why not become a Distributor for Blades Power Generation Ltd; bulk orders are welcomed.
We are
Follow us on
Facebook and Twitter

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Stroud Parishes hit by Powercuts

The Advantages of Backup Power

2200 Watt Hyundai Portable Generator
With Remote Start Feature

Hard to believe that we are now in August; we have gone past the longest day of the year and are now heading towards Christmas....I hear a few faint hearted cries of "Noooo", but its coming fast and all we can do is pray for a few more warm'ish days before Autumn falls into play.

Remember These Words
Bespoke to Your Requirement!

Over the past couple of months a few of the local Parishes have been dealt the "Blackout" blow of Powercuts.  

Back in June 2016 the pretty Town of Nailsworth suffered, when a staggering 1,936 customers in the Forest Green area were without any power for several hours.

Then in July the picturesque village of Chalford were struck powerless leaving 897 homes in rising temperatures and defrosting Freezers and warmed Fridges.  The remaining 8 properties had to resolve to Generator Power till their mains supply was fixed.  

Nearly 200 customers on the Bath Road Trading Est and Lightpill area lost all Power towards the end of July, which could of proved a nightmare for businesses situated there.

As we rolled into August, Minchinhampton and Nailsworth again are thrown back to a time of no electric power, if for only an hour or so.

Just like MANY other Hamlets, Villages, Towns and Cities here in the UK, Stroud has been relatively lucky, so far!  With officials warning us since 2008 that we are currently in a time where the whole country could suffer major Blackouts.  This is not far reached or way out there, you only need to ask other countries where powercuts refer more to a change in government structure as they endure Rolling Blackouts or Load Shedding for hours and hours, sometimes Days!

So, what would you do if the power went off? Have you watched the "What if" documentary on a cyber attack in the UK - here's a link. 

Now ask yourself why are they putting this info out there if there is not a niggling worry about it happening in the future!

Nuclear Power stations have been closing in the UK over the past few years and whilst we need the power the thought of Fukushima lingers strong on peoples minds; many swinging more towards Green Energy using solar panels, wind and water power as an alternative power means.  

With bigger fish to fry let's think about those pesky EMP attacks.  Whilst the UK is in some sort of preparedness for a Solar EMP, our infrastructures would fry if North Korea or Russia blow up a Nuclear bomb in space!  With all the terror attacks happening all over the world and rumours of WW111, maybe its time to think like our Grandparents and prepare for the future.  Take a look at the following links and then do your own research.

Many people will simply dismiss certain information pronouncing the information Giver as Bat S**t Crazy; that is their choice, but for those people remember you are only 9 meals away from Anarchy!

If you have NO Power your Fridges and Freezers will start to defrost and if you are unable to cook it all and re-store, you will left with a smelly mess.  Have you ever wondered how long the food in your cupboards would last even if you had to ration it along with water? Or what it was like to live a few hundred years ago in a time before all of your electronic gizmos and the Industrial Revolution!  Hold on tight people it maybe on the horizon - Are you Ready. Are you Prepared?

Invest in Backup Power

What is Backup Power?  "It is an electric Generator or a Bank of Batteries, that can provide adequate power to operate critical equipment until commercial power is restored".

A fine link by Jerry Emanuelson explains the usefulness of an Emergency Portable and Standby Generator 


Blades Power can Advise you on Generator size and the Load requirement to accompany your 
Bespoke Changeover Panels, Manual and Automatic Transfer Switches. all built to your requirements here in Stroud, Gloucestershire.

Still thinking Green?  Thats OK.

Blades Power Generation have experience when amalgamating Wind, Water or Solar to Backup Power Systems.

 Blades Power has the experience with Caravan, Campervans, Boats and converted Buses, providing the Inverter Changeover Panel so you and your family can "Camp Wild" Turning DC to AC so you can power up, charge and use your 240v gizmos.


Remember These Words
Bespoke to Your Requirement!

Why dont you check out the Website 

Invest in a Backup Power system suitable for your Home, Business or for Emergency usage

Its NEVER to late to INVEST


Tel +44 (0)1453 799655

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Are you an Apocaloptimist?

Are you an Apocaloptimist?

Don't mock the Prepper

Have you ever checked out the Disasters happening right now around the world?  There are so many taking place - Tornados, Storms, Floods, Sinkholes,  Earthquakes and unprecedented numbers of Volcanoes waking up, spewing ash and toxic fumes into the air.

There are Conflicts, Terrorist attacks and rumours of War; We have instability almost everywhere on the planet.  People are dying of Poverty, Starvation, Disease, Heatwaves and ignorance; not forgetting government problems, civil unrest and Electrical Grid issues ie Load Shedding, which reportedly is going to get worse.

Whales and fish are dying in their masses; Some species of animals are now extinct whilst other species of animals are right on the brink of disappearance and that could include us if we continue the way we are heading. Lets not talk Climate Change here, too many influential people have conflicting information on that subject to talk about now.

With so much happening you have to at some point ask yourself "How safe and prepared are you if the SHTF" You don't have to be into a conspiracy to see for yourself we are in Times of Deep Sorrow.

Obama says Prep for Disaster!  The Vatican have an Observatory on top of a mountain watching deep space...The telescope is called Lucifer and the Pope is saying prepare for the Apocalypse!  Top Rabbis state the Messiah is returning; Inuit Elders told Nasa that the Earth has tilted and moved to the North and whilst Nasa shows us pictures of Mars, Jupiter and the wobbles of Pluto, the people of planet earth post pictures on the internet of a second sun  named Planet X, Nibiru, The Blue Katchina and Wormwood in our skies and recording of unexplainable sounds in the sky likened to the sound of Trumpets in Revelations - Yes Bible Prophecy is possibly unfolding in front of our eyes.

And if it all happens, people will say "but No one warned us" - Those in power will say Yes we did, its not our fault if you were not paying attention, because you were all so wrapped up in SELF!

A study was conducted about 4 years ago, it stated the majority of people only have enough food in their kitchen cupboards to feed their families for 3 days; that's 72 hour, or 9 meals away from possible chaos and anarchy.... So buy a few extra tins and dried food each week when you go shopping.  Buy in extra loo rolls, candles and save water.

The Stroud Floods back in 2007 hit this particular area hard; flooding contaminated local water supply and within a short space of time people were fighting to get hold of bottled water - Literally fighting each other! 
It doesn't take long before our Primeval instincts kick in; we all have abit of the cave man in us.

The Apocaloptimist in me says "Prepare and we'll be OK" Human survival may rely on community survivor spirit.

Invest in a Changeover Inverter Panel for your Boat, Campervan or Caravan.  Every Bug out vehicle needs to be able to produce power for your survival.... Unless you are prepared to Bug in; which sometimes can be a safer option, depending on the crisis.

Look at the bigger picture as a whole and Invest in a Backup Power System for your Home, Business; or as a group for Schools, Social clubs and Village Halls; places where people are likely to gather in cases of an emergency or a disaster event.  A generator can power heaters and a means to provided hot food and drinks to many.

When a natural disaster strikes, portable generators are one of the first items to sell out in retail stores.  So you actually benefit your family by having a generator installed or sitting in the garage.  Invest in a Generator as they are not used solely to provide you with the power of illumination during a powercut, but for keeping your Freezer working, for Pumps, Room Air Conditioners, Portable Lights the list is endless.  However you must ensure your Generator is serviced regularly - Take care of Genny and Genny will take take of You.

Blades Power Generation#AllYourGeneratorNeeds


Check out our Website

Or contact

The Apocalypse may never happen, but it wouldn't hurt you to be prepared for whatever disaster Nature has to throw at us or situation either.

The Moto - "BE PREPARED!


Summer Camping and Boating - The Inverter Changeover Panel; So We can go Wild!



School Summer holidays are upon us and the camping equipment is dragged out of the loft , garage or from under the stairs.  Spring clean the cobwebs from the Campervan and air out those boats; summer is here and with any luck the weather will be kind to us all.

When the kids were younger we packed up our caravan with everything but the kitchen sink; set off on the hot and hazy motorway heading for the Coast.  On arrival and endless arguments whilst erecting the awning, we finally plugged into the sites electric hookups and the holiday commenced.

The years of piling the kids and dogs into a hot car to travel somewhere else so that we didn't have to pay over the odd prices and some peace and quiet away from the screaming hoards of other peoples children and the wafts of BBQs that usually results in long ques for the loos later.

As the kids grew up. we all outgrew the caravan; wanting more than campsites could provide; we converted to Boating which gave us  Lazy days, pub crawls and bonfires.  The teenage kids camped outside under the stars; their numbers grew each time, as offsprings brought along friends for the adventure.  
This provided the perfect escape from the everyday business of work and life. 

 The rivers and canals of the UK are spectacular, you see aspects of this beautiful country that few other see.  However without a decent inverter you can be limited on how long you have light - and back in the day inverters were not cheap by any standards.  

Now we have a Campervan.  A right royal beaut that has taken us all over the place.  No more screaming kids just the wildlife and beautiful views at night and in the morning..... even taken us to No Mans Land.

The problem with camping wild is power!  If you're out in the middle of nowhere you can run your generator if you have one, but if your batteries are low its off to Zzzzzz land you go.

Talybont Reservoir

  Mark started to think about Inverters and changeover panels again and decided to make an system suitable for our van and for family members.

The final product a 230/40 Amp Changeover Inverter Panel with a self explanatory fascia was presented to the Brother and Sister in law for trial and to get their opinion (hence the photo of their campervan)......They are still using it today and are very happy with it.  The photo of this panel is still used on our website, but the layout has been modified and improved.

12V dc Inverter CHangeover Panel for Boats, Campervans and Caravans

OK, so what does it do apart from keeping you happier for longer....

The idea is that you can plug into a generator or mains supply through your normal 240V mains plug on your Campervan or Boat - Or your Caravan if you are at a campsite.....keep those kiddiwinks happy!

With a flick of a switch for travelling or at a remote location you can draw 240V power to the same circuit from your 12V dc battery supply.

There is even an option for installing a Battery Charger, for when you are plugged into the mains; another option is for it to trickle feed your Battery back to full power.

The panel would use a set of 16 Amp 3 Pole Changeover Contactors and a 1500 watt dc Inverter; which can be altered to your requirements.

Easy to install and easy to use.

We can not guarantee that this product will stop arguments - However, it may alleviate some of the stress and worry about power usage.


Call Blades Power Generation on 01453 799655

Follow the link and Shop on line now,uk

Blades Power Wishing Everyone a Happy Summer!